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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week 2/Weak Too

A little over a week ago, I posted a status on FB. The status conveyed my frustration with myself, the need to change my eating habits, and my inability to stay on task. I asked my FB friends if they were interested in a private group to document our struggles and get advice or positive encouragement. I had no clue 30+ people would respond.

The rules are simple:

  1. Introduce yourself. 
  2. Post a current picture 
  3. Post a target picture 
  4. Participate in daily food/workout logs 
  5. Weigh in every Friday. 

It has truly been an amazing week. I never imagined that people would be so open, honest, and vulnerable. 

Our group ranges in body types, shapes, goals, motivation, knowledge,health issues, and overall personality; however, one thing is consistent. We all have a desire to change. With one week under our belt many members have dropped lbs. Some have not. No one is discouraged (for too long). Some members have been on their independent regimen for weeks prior but we are still equal in the desire to have someone to pat us on our back when we've done well, redirect us when we are falling short of our goals, and share the joys of getting back into our favorite pair of pants.

We are all inspiration to each other...we hope to inspire others, as well.

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