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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

10 day mini challenge

Our fitness friends are on varying degrees of "working out".  Some run daily, participate in aerobic classes, utilize gaming systems, walk during lunch breaks, participate in office aerobics, and some...haven't quite mustered up the ability to start.

This week FF Cnadance introduced a mini challenge to get everyone into gear.  Some are only doing this challenge and some are adding it to their daily regimen.

For all those who are interested in the challenge, please do so...this is just a "mini-challenge" just to jump start some of us!!!

Here's the challenge for the next 10 days:

1. Do 10 sit ups a day
... Guidelines: Have your knees bent and the balls of your feet and heels placed flat on the ground. Place your hands on opposing shoulders, so that your arms are crossed over your chest, or behind your head. Keeping your heels on the ground and your toes flat to the ground, slowly and gently lift your head first, followed by your shoulder blades. Hold the position for a second.

2. Do 10 push ups a day
Guidelines: Place your toes and hands on the floor, making sure your back and arms are straight. Keep your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart and tighten your abdominal muscles. Inhale as you lower yourself to the floor, stopping as your elbows reach a 90-degree bend. Keep your body from touching the floor. Exhale and push yourself away from the floor. Don't lock your elbows, and don't bend your back. A modified pushup: Place your hands and knees on the floor. Keeping your gluts and abs tight, your back should be in one diagonal line with your head and neck, and your feet should be lifted from the floor.

3. Do cardio exercise 10 minutes a day
Guidelines: It can be on the elliptical, walking outside, running up and down stairs or parking the very farthest possible from the mall....

I hope to see you the finish line!!!

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