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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fitness Friends: Meet Robin

Meet Robin. 

 Robin is a married mom of 3 school aged children.  I sat down to talk to Robin about her lifestyle change and what it means for her family.  She had this to say:
"Healthy living" means being consciously aware of my actions. Whether it’s spiritual, financial, health and fitness, or mental outlook. All of life’s aspects should come together to help me grow, and allow me to be in-sync with the universe.

I have been trying to live healthy since 2009. My diet mainly consists of eating clean, and researching what I’m putting in my body to make healthier and wiser decisions. It’s been a struggle, but there have also been remarkable changes.

In September 2009, I went to the doctor for my annual physical (that wasn’t so annual). The doctor told me my blood sugar was elevated and I needed to come back in 30 days. Thirty days later my blood sugar was higher than the previous month. He stated, “If you don’t get your blood sugar under control I will need to prescribe you medication.” I asked why my blood sugar was elevated. I've never had this problem before. He said “ I've looked at your chart and you've never been this heavy. In 1998, you were 157 pounds. After you gave birth in 2001, you were 203 pounds. Then you put on a significant amount of weight with your last pregnancy, and you haven’t lost as much as you've gain. If you get your weight under control, the elevated blood sugar will go away.”

The very next day, I hired a personal trainer and began working with a nutritionist. I went back to the doctor 90 days later after working out three times a week for 60 minutes with a trainer and eating clean. My blood sugar was significantly lower. A year later, I went back and my blood sugar was 85. (Anything over 100 is considered elevated, anything over 120 is considered pre-diabetic) 

The thing that’s most challenging is making me the #1 priority in my life. I often spend so much time taking care of my family, and investing in my career that I put my diet and exercise on hold. I do it because it’s so easy to ignore it. In the long run, I’m only killing myself.  The easiest {[part] is researching and shopping for all the things I need.

 My weakness is definitely my mental focus. When I am focused I am unstoppable. I workout and eat clean religiously. When I am not focused every little distraction is a reason for me not to follow through.  My strength is my family’s willingness to embrace my changes, even when I fall off the wagon they are there to start again with me. It could be roller skating, chopping salad, drinking water only, reading labels, etc. They’re definitely my biggest support system and really help keep me honest.

I love the LoseIt app,,, and watching Biggest Loser. I’m starting to enjoy running now; I just need to be more consistent.
I asked Robin to complete this sentence, I will know that I have met my goals when I can buy clothes from the women’s section (not plus size), and I am able to fit into a swim suit without the cover-up.

Good luck, Robin!

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